CloudMaker is a tool for launching and configuring EC2 instances. It works as an extension to the Ubuntu CloudInit system. It extends the configuration format with a composition system and options to describe how you want an instance to be launched.
The goal of the project is to make building and launching instances simple and repeatable. It accomplishes this by leveraging existing toolchains rather than forcing people to learn a new and complicated system. The code is hosted on GitHub, and distributed under the BSD License.
CloudMaker was built by Airbnb and sees daily production use there today.
It's easy to get started - create a config file:
#cloud-maker cloud-maker: ami: 'ami-82fa58eb' # Ubuntu 12.04 instance_type: 'm1.small' key_pair: 'default' security_group: 'default' s3_archive_bucket: 'cloud-maker-instances' tags: Name: 'CloudMaker Example' #cloud-config output: # generate a detailed log of the cloud init all: '| tee -a /var/log/cloud-init-output.log'
and launch it from the command line:
cloud-maker launch
For full API documentation, keep reading.
CloudMaker uses YAML as a configuration file format. It supports all properties of Ubuntu CloudInit but extends it to support composability of configurations, setting of environment variables, reading values from shell scripts, and launching EC2 instances.
Using DRY as a guiding principle CloudMaker allows you to import config files into each other. This functionality is implemented as a deep merge with the last configuration winning. Array merging is done via concatenation with duplicates removed. An example should serve to illustrate this.
cloud-maker: foo: bar another_value: tom numbers: - 1 - 2 - 3
cloud-maker: foo: baz another_value: bob numbers: - 1 - 4 - 5
cloud-maker: foo: qux numbers: - 6 import: - -
will be identical to the following:
cloud-maker: foo: qux another_value: bob numbers: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
You can specify the location of CloudMaker configs in multiple ways:
which will use the GitHub API to fetch the file.
which will fetch the file via HTTP.
Will access the path from your local filesystem.
Custom properties are passed to the instance via the
is a hash of values. By default each of these values will be set
as an environment variable on the launched instance. Custom properties
can either be set as
key: value
pairs, or as
key: configuration_hash
as described below. All configuration hash properties are optional and will
have their default values used if not specified.
Set a default value for the property. (default: blank)
Should the property be available as an environment variable? (default: true)
This property must be set for the instance to launch. (default: false)
Shown by the CLI when prompting for a value. (default: blank)
The value of the property (if you just do
key: value
you are actually setting this). (default: blank)
One of the guiding principlals of
is that it should be able to work with existing tools.
To facilitate that it provides a custom node type that executes
a local shell command and is replaced by the value. To use
it prefix your shell command with
as in the example below. This example sets an environment variable
on the target instance with the local username of the person who
launched the instance.
cloud-maker: launched_by: !shell-script whoami
EC2 properties are all passed in via the
hash. These properties will be used locally by
to launch the instance.
The Amazon AMI ID for the instance. (required)
The Amazon instance type, eg. m1.small. (required)
The Amazon availability zone, eg. us-east-1a (required)
The S3 bucket where information about the instance should be stored. (required)
The name of an Amazon key pair, so you can actually login to the instance.(default: "")
An elastic IP address you control that you would like to associate to the instance. (default: "")
The Amazon EC2 security group to launch the instance with. (default: "default")
The IAM instance profile name or ARN you would like to use. (default: "")
A dns entry you would like to CNAME to this instance. (default: "")
The command line interface
allows you to launch instances, retrieve information about them, and
to terminate them. Data about an instance is stored in an S3 bucket
(set using the
property). All interactions with the CLI take the form of cloud-maker <command> [arguments] [options]
Launch is used to create a new EC2 instance.
cloud-maker launch <config_file.yaml>
Your AWS access key id
Your AWS secret access key
[--set=key:value [key:value]...]
Set parameters in the CloudMaker config
[--tags=key:value [key:value]...]
Set tags for EC2, merges with and overrides the tags property in the CloudMaker config
Answer yes, or accepts default values to any confirmation prompts automatically.
Info retrieves the archived information that was stored when an instance was launched.
cloud-maker info <AWS instance ID>
Your AWS access key id
Your AWS secret access key
User Data generates CloudInit user data for an instance. It can be used as a dry run or if you prefer to actually launch the instance using the Amazon console or another tool.
cloud-maker user_data <config_file.yaml>
[--set=key:value [key:value]...]
Set parameters in the CloudMaker config
[--tags=key:value [key:value]...]
Merges with and overrides the tags property in the CloudMaker config. Since there is no actual EC2 instance created this is just a convenience setter for the tags custom property.
Terminate will terminate an AWS instance after first displaying the info about how it was launched.
cloud-maker terminate <AWS instance ID>
Your AWS access key id
Your AWS secret access key
The guiding principle behind CloudMaker is to keep things simple and modular. The small piece of the puzzle that it tries to solve is launching an instance and pushing an initial configuration to it. If you see something missing suggestions on improvements are welcome, however where such improvements could be better made by providing a hook for integration with another tool that will be the preferred solution.
By default it can be difficult to get good information about what may have gone wrong with a build process. Add the following to your
configuration file generate a build log at /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
output: # generate a detailed log of the cloud init all: '| tee -a /var/log/cloud-init-output.log'