Airbnb React/JSX Style Guide

A mostly reasonable approach to React and JSX

This style guide is mostly based on the standards that are currently prevalent in JavaScript, although some conventions (i.e async/await or static class fields) may still be included or prohibited on a case-by-case basis. Currently, anything prior to stage 3 is not included nor recommended in this guide.

Table of Contents

  1. Basic Rules
  2. Class vs React.createClass vs stateless
  3. Mixins
  4. Naming
  5. Declaration
  6. Alignment
  8. Spacing
  9. Props
  10. Refs
  11. Parentheses
  12. Tags
  13. Methods
  14. Ordering
  15. isMounted

Basic Rules

Class vs React.createClass vs stateless


Why? Mixins introduce implicit dependencies, cause name clashes, and cause snowballing complexity. Most use cases for mixins can be accomplished in better ways via components, higher-order components, or utility modules.







Why? Inconsistencies between keyboard shortcuts and keyboard commands used by people using screenreaders and keyboards complicate accessibility.

  // bad
  <div accessKey="h" />

  // good
  <div />
  // bad
  {, index) =>

  // good
  { => (

Why? propTypes are a form of documentation, and providing defaultProps means the reader of your code doesn’t have to assume as much. In addition, it can mean that your code can omit certain type checks.

  // bad
  function SFC({ foo, bar, children }) {
    return <div>{foo}{bar}{children}</div>;
  SFC.propTypes = {
    foo: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
    bar: PropTypes.string,
    children: PropTypes.node,

  // good
  function SFC({ foo, bar, children }) {
    return <div>{foo}{bar}{children}</div>;
  SFC.propTypes = {
    foo: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
    bar: PropTypes.string,
    children: PropTypes.node,
  SFC.defaultProps = {
    bar: '',
    children: null,


  function HOC(WrappedComponent) {
    return class Proxy extends React.Component {
      Proxy.propTypes = {
        text: PropTypes.string,
        isLoading: PropTypes.bool

      render() {
        return <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />
  export default function Foo {
    const props = {
      text: '',
      isPublished: false

    return (<div {...props} />);

Notes for use: Filter out unnecessary props when possible. Also, use prop-types-exact to help prevent bugs.

  // good
  render() {
    const { irrelevantProp, ...relevantProps  } = this.props;
    return <WrappedComponent {...relevantProps} />

  // bad
  render() {
    const { irrelevantProp, ...relevantProps  } = this.props;
    return <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />






  1. optional static methods
  2. constructor
  3. getChildContext
  4. componentWillMount
  5. componentDidMount
  6. componentWillReceiveProps
  7. shouldComponentUpdate
  8. componentWillUpdate
  9. componentDidUpdate
  10. componentWillUnmount
  11. clickHandlers or eventHandlers like onClickSubmit() or onChangeDescription()
  12. getter methods for render like getSelectReason() or getFooterContent()
  13. optional render methods like renderNavigation() or renderProfilePicture()
  14. render
  1. displayName
  2. propTypes
  3. contextTypes
  4. childContextTypes
  5. mixins
  6. statics
  7. defaultProps
  8. getDefaultProps
  9. getInitialState
  10. getChildContext
  11. componentWillMount
  12. componentDidMount
  13. componentWillReceiveProps
  14. shouldComponentUpdate
  15. componentWillUpdate
  16. componentDidUpdate
  17. componentWillUnmount
  18. clickHandlers or eventHandlers like onClickSubmit() or onChangeDescription()
  19. getter methods for render like getSelectReason() or getFooterContent()
  20. optional render methods like renderNavigation() or renderProfilePicture()
  21. render


Why? isMounted is an anti-pattern, is not available when using ES6 classes, and is on its way to being officially deprecated.


This JSX/React style guide is also available in other languages:

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